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5 steps guide to international ERP for CFOs and CEOs

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Your ability to articulate WHY you are embarking on an international ERP transformation journey will drive your direction and define your level of success. But often, business leaders underemphasize the importance of answering the why question. 

Therefore, we make it a virtue asking you questions like: Why do you need to transform? What are your top five requirements to a group ERP platform? What business benefits do you want to achieve? To what degree do you want to control your subsidiaries? What harmonization areas will bring group synergies? What areas require local flexibility to improve local competitive edge? What are your risks and how may you avoid them? 

Despite the type, size, and shape of international companies, we find that the business drivers for a new group ERP platform are surprisingly consistent. When we ask our clients why they want to implement a new group ERP platform, the answers typically center around five areas: Growth, data, processes, control, and costs. Companies want to implement a common business platform that enables modern analytical capabilities, streamlined processes and central control at HQ to manage, nurture and grow the business internationally at a reduced cost. In short, ERP has become the beating heart of any international company.

In our new e-book, we guide you through five steps to smarter international ERP: 1. Define what kind of transformation you want, 2. Gain control while maintaining local empowerment, 3. Harmonize data and processes globally and locally, 4. Eliminate risk and 5. Prepare for the future. These five areas are the top concerns for several of the international companies we have worked with. 

We also present our approach to international ERP planning and implementation for you to avoid international ERP failure. We have one agenda only: To make business transformation simple and successful for international companies. Our delivery framework allows us to centrally manage any international implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 from A to Z and across all major industries.

We are present in +85 countries, and we offer one global solution, one global delivery framework, one global contract, one global team and – very importantly – one single point of responsibility for the entire delivery wherever in the world you operate.

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We wish you a safe, simple, and successful journey.

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