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How to succeed with your international Dynamics 365 implementation

International IT projects can be extremely challenging and pervasive. Integrating standardized software across borders is not an easy task. However, international implementation of Dynamics 365 can be painless if you have the right implementation strategy and a smart, flexible methodology designed to balance the needs of your local subsidiaries with the needs of your overall enterprise. This is exactly what PIPOL partners around the world offers.

At Pipol, we have been doing multi-country ERP implementations for decades. We know the pitfalls when implementing large IT projects, and we help you eliminate them. We also understand when it’s time for best practice or best fit. Depending on the industry you work in and your company structure, one size may fit all subsidiaries. However, for many companies, one size doesn’t fit all, and local adaptation is needed. Different local legislation, account plans, infrastructure, organizational cultures, and languages are typical trade-offs. It is all an act of balance, and your success depends on experienced partners around the world.


What are the key challenges in international ERP implementation?

Implementing an ERP system on an international scale can be a complex and demanding process. The challenges associated with such implementations can vary widely, but the key difficulties are:

Cultural and language barriers
Different countries and regions have distinct cultures, norms, and languages. When implementing an ERP system across multiple countries, these differences can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and even conflicts. User training, documentation, and system interfaces need to be adapted to accommodate various languages and cultural contexts.

Legal and regulatory compliance
Each country has its own set of laws and regulations governing business practices, taxation, data protection, and more. Ensuring that the ERP system adheres to these diverse regulatory requirements is a complex task. Failure to comply with local laws can result in legal penalties, fines, or operational disruptions.

Data migration and integration
ERP implementations involve transferring existing data from legacy systems to the new ERP platform. However, data structures, formats, and quality can differ across different countries and business units. Therefore, data migration requires careful planning to avoid data loss, corruption, or inconsistencies.

Project management across different time zones
International ERP implementations often involve teams and stakeholders spread across different time zones. Time zone differences can lead to delays in resolving issues, obtaining approvals, and implementing changes. Effective project management strategies, tools, and clear communication protocols are necessary to keep the implementation on track despite these logistical challenges.


What processes should be in place to ensure a smooth and successful international ERP implementation?

Ensuring a smooth and successful international ERP implementation requires careful planning, effective coordination, and a comprehensive approach. Here are the key processes that should be in place:

Project planning and management
Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the scope, objectives, timeline, resources, and responsibilities for each phase of the implementation. Assign a dedicated project team with representatives from different regions and functions to ensure comprehensive coverage and effective communication.

Cross-functional collaboration
Establish cross-functional teams that include representatives from various departments and regions. This ensures that the ERP system caters to the needs of all stakeholders and aligns with the organization’s overall goals. Regular collaboration and open communication among these teams are essential to address challenges and capture valuable insights.

Needs assessment and customization
Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify specific requirements of each location and business unit. Customize the ERP system accordingly to accommodate regional processes, regulations, and languages while maintaining a standardized core. This customization ensures that the ERP system supports local operations while promoting consistency and standardization.

Data preparation and migration
Plan and execute data preparation and migration activities meticulously. Cleanse, validate, and transform data from legacy systems to ensure accuracy and integrity in the new ERP system. Establish data mapping and integration strategies to facilitate smooth data migration and ongoing synchronization.

Change management and user training
Develop a change management strategy that addresses cultural differences and helps employees embrace the new system. Provide comprehensive training to users across different regions to ensure they understand how to use the ERP system effectively. Training should encompass both system functionality and the benefits it brings to their daily tasks.

Localization and compliance
Engage legal and compliance experts to ensure that the ERP system adheres to local regulations, tax requirements, data protection laws, and other relevant standards. Adapt processes and configurations to align with local legal frameworks while maintaining the overall integrity of the system.


What are the key benefits of international ERP implementation?

In an era of increasing globalization and interconnectedness, businesses are continually seeking ways to streamline their operations and optimize their efficiency. Implementing ERP systems on an international scale is the right way to gain a competitive edge in the international marketplace. When implemented on a global level, these systems offer a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the capabilities of localized implementations.

Here are the most important benefits:

Standardization and centralization of business processes
International ERP implementation brings about standardization and centralization of business processes by enforcing consistent workflows and practices across various locations. This uniformity reduces redundancy, minimizes errors, and simplifies compliance with industry regulations and standards. It becomes easier to identify inefficiencies and streamline operations.

Improved visibility and data accessibility
An international ERP system provides a unified data repository accessible to authorized users worldwide. This leads to improved visibility into the organization’s operations, financials, inventory, sales, and more. Real-time access to accurate and up-to-date data enables better decision-making at all levels. With data at their fingertips, decision-makers can respond to emerging opportunities or challenges and make informed choices that drive business growth and competitive advantage.

Enhanced collaboration and communication across global teams
International ERP implementation promotes collaboration and communication among global teams by facilitating the sharing of information and insights. With centralized communication tools, teams can collaborate on projects, share documents, and exchange ideas seamlessly. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of unity, even when teams are geographically dispersed.

Scalability and flexibility for international growth
An international ERP system is designed to accommodate the complexities of international expansion. As the organization grows, the ERP system can scale to include new subsidiaries, business units, and regions. This scalability allows for consistent processes and data management across the entire organization, ensuring that expansion efforts are harmonized. The flexibility of the ERP system enables swift adaptation to changing business needs, regulatory requirements, and market conditions, positioning the organization for sustainable global growth.


PIPOL’s implementation services

Our implementation services are flexible and scalable enabling us to take on different roles to fit your specific needs for both international Dynamics 365 implementation and local Dynamics 365 implementation.

International Dynamics 365 Implementation
Local Dynamics 365 Implementation


International Dynamics 365 Implementation

We offer one international delivery framework for all countries. It not only simplifies planning from A to Z. With a centrally managed framework, we are able to handle multiple rollouts across multiple sites and countries. Your company reaps the benefits of central governance because you use the same solution and implement it the same way across your international business. Further, with one global contract governing worldwide service delivery, you reduce complexity and ensure that the services provided in each country are adapted to each subsidiary’s needs – in local language, local time zone, and at local rates.

With one global partner, you get control of your entire international business – from headquarter to each subsidiary, from data to security and compliance. Whether your international Dynamics 365 solution is on premise or in the cloud, you should not worry about compliance anywhere in the world. This is where local partners make a huge difference. They know the dos and don’ts in each country and ensure that all local regulations and compliance requirements are being met.

Our international Dynamics 365 implementation service covers:

Flexible options to support your Dynamics 365 implementation journey

  • Management: We manage your implementation from A-Z
  • Partnership: We act as a part of your team to support your implementation
  • Deployment: We deliver local implementation services worldwide

Capability to take on any international Dynamics 365 implementation

  • Specialization: We are specialized in international Dynamics 365 implementations
  • Know-how: We have leading experts across the Microsoft technology stack
  • Experience: We have vast experience across industries, business areas and countries

Power to scale to meet your current and future business needs and geographical footprint

  • Resources: We have access to more than +4.500 Dynamics 365 experts across the globe
  • Presence: We are present in +85 countries with leading Dynamics 365 implementation experts
  • Expertise: We can seamlessly expand cooperation into new business and technology areas


Local Dynamics 365 Implementation

If your IT organization is in charge of the overall implementation strategy and process, we may act as your sub-contractor in one or more local countries. This may be relevant in countries where Microsoft does not offer localization packages, or in countries where you do not have a solid partner network. We may also sub-contract all local implementations through our network, which gives you the benefits of one point of contact and one point of contract.

Local partners make a huge difference whether your Dynamics 365 solution is on premise or in the cloud. They know the dos and don’ts in each country and ensure that all local regulations and compliance requirements are being met, that your company adopts national standards, and that your company benefits from local best practice implementation. Further, local implementation partners provide the confidence and peace of mind they need. Headquarter and subsidiaries may be far apart – both physically and culturally. Thus, a local partner can translate the needs of headquarter in the context of each subsidiary.

Whether or not we are able to apply Dynamics 365 Localization Packages throughout a local implementation, our service covers:

  • Compliance features (required): Regulatory requirements, e.g. local GAAP, VAT/TAX, authority reporting and other statutory requirements
  • Business features (recommended): Local standards, e.g. banking and payment formats, address and document formats, local interpretation of global standards and other national standards
  • Other features (optional): Local features, e.g. functionality that helps the business to improve productivity by adapting local best practices and processes that are not legally required


Why choose us?

Pipol’s strength is international implementations of Microsoft Dynamics 365. We support projects involving companies with multiple offices around the world. An international implementation made by the right local partners for your business means the absolute best ROI for international projects.

Our agenda is to make business transformation simple and successful for international companies. Our delivery framework allows us to centrally manage any international implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 from A to Z and across all major industries. We offer one global solution, one global delivery framework, one global contract, one global team, and – very importantly – one single point of responsibility for the entire delivery wherever in the world you operate.

We work closely with our partners to unify their services with our unique know-how and experience in multisite implementations. After a solution is developed in one location, we can ensure a seamless deployment across all locations. By acting as a single point of contact, we offer a smooth ERP path, from strategy and solution choice all the way to implementation and follow-up. That saves our customers time, resources, and worry.

Moreover, the Pipol Network gives partners access to our entire global network of Microsoft Dynamics ERP specialists and resources, regardless of whether you need support with a local or an international project. If your business has a specialized need the local partner can’t fill, Pipol will help meet it from within our partner network.


How to find the right partner for your international Microsoft Dynamics project

Being part of Microsoft’s industry-leading partner ecosystem, we offer expert guidance and support for customers looking to evaluate, implement, and get the most from their Dynamics 365 solution. With offices in more than +85 countries and over 500 successful international Dynamics 365 deployments under our belt, we have the functional competencies and global presence needed to support our customers wherever they’re located.

Let us help you

Contact us to learn more on how international implementation of Dynamics 365 can be painless.

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