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Business Transformation

10 steps to smarter international ERP implementation for CIOs

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Your role as CIO is becoming increasingly strategic and important for the transformation of the entire international business. You are the trusted technology advisor, and you create the technological foundation that enables both successful ERP implementation and continuous growth of the business. You drive change by identifying and understanding both the business challenges and technological challenges at headquarter and subsidiaries.

So how do you succeed? How do you align the application landscape across subsidiaries and make data-driven decision-making possible? How do you enable the company to boost digitization, globalization, and competitiveness?

Compared to only a decade ago, more companies have become global. Thus, for small and medium sized companies with no or limited experience with complex IT projects, ERP is a whole new ball game. There is huge difference between decentralized ERP and international, integrated ERP.

Therefore, it’s important to discuss internally the value of 

  • One common, open platform that integrates with everything and enables your business to become 100 per cent data driven
  • Easy control over and transparency into the entire organization before, during and after implementation
  • Flexibility, efficiency, and speed to get fast implementation and optimal conditions for making changes and adding new subsidiaries in an easy and efficient manner.

In our new e-book on 10 steps to smarter international ERP implementation, we address 10 steps to reap the strategic benefits of ERP: 

  1. Apply proven scoping tools
  2. Apply one delivery framework and one global contract
  3. Apply one core solution and one global partner
  4. Consider best practices vs. best fit
  5. Consider how to avoid risk
  6. Consider how to simplify compliance
  7. Prioritize data before processes
  8. Clean up and simplify processes
  9. Pay only for what you need
  10. Communicate changes and translate them into benefits

We also present our approach to international ERP planning and implementation for you to avoid international ERP failure. We have one agenda only: To make business transformation simple and successful for international companies. Our delivery framework allows us to centrally manage any international implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 from A to Z and across all major industries.

We are present in +85 countries, and we offer one global solution, one global delivery framework, one global contract, one global team and – very importantly – one single point of responsibility for the entire delivery wherever in the world you operate.

Download and get our 10 Steps Guide to International ERP Implementation on email now:

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