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Business Transformation

Decentralized or centralized management? One core ERP solution allows for both.  

Thursday, February 10, 2022

The degree to which you want to top-down manage your business is relative to how harmonized and streamlined you want to be – or how divers, flexible, and locally oriented you want to be. It depends entirely on the industry you’re in as well as the culture of your company. It’s a balance between how much control you can get, and how much control you want. However, to be able to manage and drive business performance internationally, you need to have one, core solution.  

Basically, management is about creating the synergies that control processes, operations, and results. It’s all about managing your business in the best possible way, so you can collect, compare, and consolidate financial data from each different unit around the world in a uniform manner. No matter if your international company may not be among the most muscular in the world, your needs are the same as the biggest and most well-driven companies. Therefore, you may need a solution that helps you become even smarter and more efficient in a short time.  

With Microsoft Dynamics 365, you get two overall options when standardizing and harmonizing your processes, operations, and results.  

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central is an application that allows for decentralized processes. One application, same functionality and same data structure helps manage and streamline the business, but the application can be installed locally and adapted to local needs. This solution is optimal for international companies that may be divers in products and services around the world and for strategic reasons may want a more decentralized approach to international ERP.  
  • Dynamics 365 Finance is an application that allows for centralized processes. The entire international company is driven as one with one application, same functionality, and same data structure in every country. This solution is optimal for international companies that benefit from e.g. intercompany trade, shared services, and shared logistics.  

Imagine that you are present in three countries. Country A uses Apple phones, country B uses Samsung phones, and country C uses Nokia phones. You have three different operating systems, three different kinds of hardware and adaptors, and three databases to manage, operate, and maintain. To be efficient, you want the same solution in all three countries. With Business Central, you have separate IDs for each country as well as separate databases in each country. With Finance, you have one ID per region or globally as well as one database per region or globally.   

No matter which Dynamics 365 ERP solution fits your international company best, you will gain efficiency and transparency and be able to manage the growth of your company. We help you navigate, choose the solution that fits the needs of your international company, and gain the benefits of standardization and harmonization.

You can read more about the challenges and benefits og international ERP implementation here.


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